Saturday, October 23, 2010

Law and order in China (Compulsory Education, Mark)

As early as 1986, to guarantee citizens’ rights to receive education and improve the scientific and cultural quality of the nation as a whole, the Chinese government guaranteed free education to all school-age children through grade nine. Education is compulsory between ages 6 to 15 in every province in china, except for Hong Kong and Macao, where the compulsory age are 18 and 17 respectively.

Before compulsory free education existed, many children had no entrance to basic education because their parents could not afford the tuition or there was no need the children to work instead of going to school. As a result of compulsory education, a big drop in the number of illiteracy. By the end of 2009, china had virtually made nine-year compulsory education universal, covering 95% of the population, and basically wiped out illiteracy among the young and adults, reducing the rate of young and adult illiterates to less than five.

It is believed that compulsory education has played a positive role in the education field of china.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea that the Compulsory free education existed in your country I wish that in all countries around the world.

