Thursday, November 11, 2010


The argument of using animals in experiments or not is becoming more and more popular recently.
In some people`s opinion, the behavior of animals testing in experiments is an absolute brutality.They think the animals are on an equality with human beings,which are all the God created to live,so the human have no rights to hurt them.
But in other people`s opinion,the testing animals may be necessary. We could`t test  people in experiment. And the procedure is essential element of any medical program or we could`t use the production in human beings directly.
In my point, I think the '3R' method is the best choice. The 3R method means Reduction,Refinement and Replacement.Reduction means that uses fewer and fewer living animals in experiment. Refinement means reduce the harm to animals caused by inhuman procedure.And the replacement means that the experimental materials use the cell or some other no-feeling inferior animals.The method is the trend in this section. Animal testing may be necessary, but we need to be be merciful.

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