Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Foxes in Russia. Sergey.

I'm spending to tell you about the fox, because it is common in many parts of Russia. You can meet it in forests, which is widely spread through whole Russia. The fox is a rather small animal with orange fur and it has the most noticeable feature - white end of tail. This makes it very easy to distinguish fox from other animals.
The fox is carnivore animal, it's eat mouses and birds. Sometimes foxes can catch a chicken or other animal from villages, so it's cheeky. Also, it's very smart and crafty animal. There is expression 'Crafty as a fox', which describes person as a very foxy.


  1. Hi Sergey,
    nice writing,
    I think Russian people use its fur as a coat because it's thick and soft.

  2. "crafty as a fox" funny thing, will keep it on mind...cheers!
